Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CArgumentsCommand line arg parser
 CCheckResultCompare ref and Halide solutions and print the mean square error
 CCheckResultVerboseCompare ref and Halide solutions and print the verbose difference
 CFilterInfoInfo about scans in a particular dimension
 CFuncTagScheduling tags for Functions
 CLogLogging utility
 CRecFilterRecursive filter class
 CRecFilterContentsData members of the recursive filter
 CRecFilterDimFilter dimension for channels
 CRecFilterDimAndCausalityFilter dimension augmented with causality
 CRecFilterFuncRecursive filter function with scheduling interface
 CRecFilterRefExprConstructing an Expr from the final result of a recursive filter
 CRecFilterRefVarCreate an expression that can be used to initialize a pixel
 CRecFilterScheduleHandle to schedule internal Halide functions that constitute the recursive filter
 CVarTagScheduling tags for RecFilter function dimensions